

I’m a social scientist with degrees in Cultural Anthropology, Development Sociology and Global Criminology. 

I’m born and raised in The Netherlands, but since 2012 I live and work in Latin America. Journalism became a tool for me to tell the stories that I found important. 

I believe in the power of collaborative and investigative journalism and I want to continue innovating the way we tell our stories and research wrongdoings.

My work

As an investigative journalist, I mainly report from Latin America. My stories have been published Dutch, English and Spanish. 

I have led several award-winning media investigations and published with InfoAmazonia, The Guardian, Al Jazeera, Vice News, and others. Most articles include my own photos. 

My main work focuses on conflict, human rights, migration and the environment. I am also a consultant and have done research for several NGOs and think-tanks such as the International Crisis Group and IUCN NL.